Pregnancy Weeks 1-2
Baby Growth at 1-2 Weeks
You may ask “Where’s my baby?” Did you know that for doctors to maintain consistency, your pregnancy start date is actually marked by the first day of your last period? The term “Week 1 & 2 of pregnancy” is a little misleading. There’s not even a baby yet!
If you just found out you are pregnant and are scrolling back, you may think your positive pregnancy test marks your first week of pregnancy, but likely you did not conceive until late in week 2 or week 3 of your pregnancy. The fun thing about tracking pregnancy weeks like this means by the time you find out about your pregnancy, you actually have a head start into your 40 weeks of pregnancy.
Your eggs are busy maturing and the sperm that fertilizes your egg and creates your baby, is still maturing in your partner’s testes. Fertilization won’t happen until late week 2 or early week 3.
If you are on your period and not yet pregnant, use ovulation tests – starting now – to track your rising luteinizing hormone levels and predict your ovulation. When you see your LH levels begin to rise, look for the last, darkest day of your tests. This is called your “LH Peak” and lets you know ovulation will occur in about 24 hours. This also means it’s a pivotal day to have sex. The best days to have sex to increase your chances for pregnancy are the 5 days before ovulation and ovulation day.
You & Your Body at Pregnancy 1-2 Weeks
At this stage in your cycle, you’re likely feeling as you do during any other period, and your body certainly doesn’t look any different. After your period symptoms go away, you still won’t be pregnant yet.
You are sloughing off your uterine lining and unfertilized egg from your last cycle, but this ending of one cycle signifies the beginning of a very exciting one! Your body prepares for ovulation, maturing follicles produce estrogen and in response, your brain produces luteinizing hormone that triggers ovulation. You may have utilized ovulation tests to capture the swift rise of your luteinizing hormone levels that predict ovulation.
After your period ends and your fertile window approaches, you may find you have some slippery, clear, and stretchy cervical mucus thanks to all the estrogen produced by the developing follicles in your ovaries. Estrogen doesn’t just change your cervical mucus; it is also builds up your uterine lining, preparing it for a fertilized egg to implant.
This is your fertile period, so grab your partner and get it on!
Typical Symptoms at 1-2 Weeks
You may experience bleeding of varying amounts, cramping, moodiness, headaches, bloating, and back aches, which often seem like early pregnancy signs. Period symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms have quite a lot in common. However, you’ll notice a drop in your BBT along with bleeding when you aren’t pregnant. Not to worry, your ovaries are working on the next round of egg maturation for ovulation. We’re waiting for that perfectly prepared egg and immaculately paired sperm, destined to unite after you ovulate in just a few short days.
So while you may be bloated, crampy, and emotional today, know that good things are on their way as you begin to look for signs of ovulation such as slippery cervical mucus, a high and open cervix, and that dramatic LH peak.
You also may soon enjoy an increased sex drive right as your fertile window approaches… a coincidence? We don’t think so!
This Pregnancy Week 1-2 Tips and Advice
If you’re currently trying to get pregnant, it’s best to start ovulation testing the day your period ends. Most women see their LH peak by the end of Week 2 (or early week 3 for women with longer cycles). When you see that LH peak, you know ovulation is right around the corner and that this day and the next day are the most important days to have sex for the highest probability of fertilizing that little egg.
One other little-known tip: steer clear from saliva, which can impact sperm quality. Utilize a fertility-friendly lubricant that is hydroxyethyl cellulose-based and designed specifically for fertility. This means no oral sex during your fertile window to keep your partner’s sperm swimming to their full potential.
If you haven’t already, it’s a great time to start a Prenatal multivitamin! You’ll want to find one that includes folic acid or methylated folate to supplement your daily nutrition. Taking 400 mcg of folic acid daily in the month before you conceive and during your first trimester can cut your chances of defects – such as spina bifida – by 50-70%.
Say “bye bye” to your favorite vices. It’s about time to give up drinks and other habits that negatively impact your pregnancy. Say goodbye to alcohol, cigarettes and drugs..
For all the coffee lovers out there, you can keep your coffee while pregnant. However, if you drink more than 1 cup a day, it’s a good time to start pulling back. While you are pregnant, it’s recommended you keep caffeine consumption to about 200 mg a day. That’s the equivalent of one cup of coffee.
Start searching for your future OB (Obstetrician – a doctor that specializes in pregnancy and birth). Start by asking your insurance company for covered providers or by selecting the hospital nearest you and seeing which doctors deliver there. You may also consider birth centers that have their own midwives who monitor your pregnancy process. Every woman’s pregnancy and delivery journey is unique; find a provider and environment that best supports your goals and needs as a mother-to-be.
For right now, schedule a general wellness visit with your doctor to check in on your general and fertility health. At this time in your cycle, they may perform an ultrasound to look for any fibroids, identify any cysts, or just take a look at your uterine lining and the size of your developing follicles.
Once you see a positive hCG test (in the next 2-3 weeks), schedule a visit to your obstetrician to confirm your pregnancy and – if you haven’t yet – discuss your current health habits, medications, and best future practices for the most successful pregnancy and delivery.