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Pregnancy Week 14


14 weeks pregnant


Baby Growth at 14 Weeks Pregnant

Welcome to week 14 of your pregnancy! Your baby is about the size of a navel orange, and weighs nearly 2 ounces, and is around 3.5 inches long. You may be able to identify the baby's sex this week, or in the coming weeks.

By 14 weeks, your baby experienced many physical changes. Fingerprints and vocal cords develop and fine hairs grow. Their sense of smell and taste develop. Your baby’s neck becomes more defined and the lower limbs are fully developed. The red blood cells form in the spleen, and your baby uses their liver and kidneys. 

Your baby begins to show facial expressions such as squints and frowns. Grasping movements occur as the baby moves their arms more. They also begin thumb sucking motions during the second trimester and form their hands into tiny fists. While you probably can’t feel all of these movements yet, your baby is becoming increasingly active as they grow.


Fetal development 14 weeks pregnant


You and Your Body at Pregnancy 14 Weeks

Your breast size continues to increase in preparation for breastfeeding, many women notice changes in their breasts in the early weeks of pregnancy. Once your regular bra becomes uncomfortable, usually towards the beginning of the second trimester, look into maternity bras that provide more comfort and support. A soft cotton bra with no underwire is a good choice. This aids in air circulation and you won’t be concerned about the wire pressing into your forming milk ducts. 

You should notice your bump getting bigger as your weight continues to increase. Healthy weight gain at this time is about 1 pound per week. You may need to shop for maternity clothes or looser fitting clothing, if you haven’t already. Keep in mind that every woman’s baby bump develops at a different rate and first time moms may take a bit longer to show. 

You may notice an increased appetite and more energy. Your body needs more nutrients and calories as pregnancy progresses, so ensuring you get enough protein, iron, and calcium in your diet is important. Some healthy and beneficial food options include eggs, lean meats, cooked fish, leafy green vegetables like kale, broccoli, spinach and cabbage, as well as whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts and rice. Avoid uncooked seafood, undercooked and processed meats, unpasteurized dairy products, and soft cheeses like brie and blue cheese throughout your pregnancy.  

Typical Symptoms at 14 Weeks Pregnant

Round ligament pain is more noticeable now as your muscles and ligaments are making room for your baby. To help ease the discomfort of your changing body, avoid sudden movements, reposition yourself as needed, and practice gentle stretching exercises. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is usually safe during pregnancy if necessary, but be sure to check with your doctor before taking any medications.

You may also experience sharp pain or a jabbing feeling in the lower belly or groin area, which can be felt on one or both sides. If the pain is accompanied by fever or chills, or you experience pain or blood when urinating be sure to reach out to your doctor to investigate the possible cause. Taking a warm (not hot) epsom salt bath helps relieve aches and pains, reduce stress, relieve discomfort from hemorrhoid flare ups, and prevent itching. 

Have you noticed new moles beginning to appear, or are the ones you already have changing a bit? This is likely pregnancy related because your skin is being stretched during your pregnancy, and more than likely it is nothing to be concerned about. If you notice asymmetry, jagged shaped borders, a diameter of more than 6mm, or a rapid change in appearance, have your doctor look at them for you to rule out any concerns.

Pregnancy Week 14 Tips and Advice

Be sure you drink plenty of water. If your urine is clear and pale yellow that’s a good sign that you’re well hydrated. Aim for 64-96 oz of water per day, about 8-12 cups. Water aids in digestion and helps nutrients circulate in the body. Water also generates the amniotic fluid around the baby. Amniotic fluid is important because it not only helps cushion the baby, but also aids in the exchange of nutrients from mom to baby.

Incorporating light exercises such as yoga and walking should be easier now as the first trimester nausea decreases. Aim for a minimum of 140 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity weekly, about 20 minutes per day. If you don’t feel motivated to exercise alone, or prefer exercising with a group, join pregnancy exercise classes. They can be a fun way to meet other expectant mothers too! 

Some things to think about include childcare and signing up for birthing or prep classes. Class options and availability vary depending on your location but some of the options include: What to do when your water breaks, different methods of delivery, breathing and relaxation techniques during delivery, breastfeeding, and tips for caring for your baby at home to name a few. Choose one or two that you feel will help you, or take them all if you have the time. Classes help you prepare for your new baby, and sets your mind at ease. You may even make new friends in the class. It’s also a great idea to involve your partner for more family bonding time!










fetal development, pregnancy, pregnancy at week 14, pregnancy symptoms, pregnancy tips