What are the Different Types of Fertility Awareness Based Methods?123123

  Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FABMs) are natural family planning methods that help to identify woman's fertile and infertile phases based...

7 mars 2023

FEMM Method123123

When it comes to cycle tracking, there are so many options! The FEMM method (Fertility Education and Medical Management) has...

7 mars 2023

The Creighton Model123123

  The Creighton Model is a natural family planning method that uses the observation and charting of cervical mucus to...

8 mars 2023

Research Finds Cervical Mucus Tracking, Ovulation Tests and Premom App to Be Promising Combo123123

June 14, 2021 | By: Premom Team Monitoring your cycles with the Premom ovulation tracking app in combination with daily ovulation tests...

12 juin 2021

Natural Family Planning123123

  Updated Feb 2, 2022 | Premom team Natural Family Planning is also called “fertility awareness”. It is a method...

17 juil. 2018