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Why Are My Ovulation Test Peaks Low? Am I Not Ovulating?

Updated Jul 22 2022 | By Laura Stevenson - Medically reviewed by Dr. Patti Haebe

Low ovulation test levels with Premom app

Tracking your fertility can seem complicated, but with the right tools, it doesn't have to be. Many people worry about low lh levels and worry they are not ovulating. We'll go over how the Premom App helps with this situation. 

Using the Premom app paired with ovulation test kits takes the stress out of trying to get pregnant by helping you pinpoint your unique ovulation day as well as the most fertile days in your cycle.

How Does the Premom App Read My Ovulation Tests?

The Premom app automatically reads your uploaded ovulation test results and compares the colors of control and testing lines on your LH tests. The results are summarized as ‘T/C ratio’, allowing the app to monitor your hormone levels and help improve your ovulation prediction.

Ideally, your LH levels should be around 1.0 or higher on your peak day as the test line becomes as dark as a control line. However, some women ovulate below this level. You’re always looking for the last, darkest day on your ovulation tests. For the majority of women, ovulation occurs in the 24-36 hours after a peak is found. This helps users plan intercourse to achieve pregnancy according to their unique hormone patterns and levels. After ovulation occurs, your LH levels rapidly decrease to baseline levels.

How Does My Premom App Accommodate Lower LH Levels?

Premom gets to know you and your cycle the more you log! If the highest LH ratio value (peak) in your previous cycle was below 0.8, then the app will adjust to the following:

Less than 0.5 = Low

Greater than or Equal to 0.5 = High / Peak

Note: Keep Testing Through "Peak"! 

In these circumstances, once a ratio reaches 0.5 in the current cycle, the app begins identifying the "peak", and automatically marks the highest ratio value as the peak.  Keep testing until your levels are done rising and begin to drop again.  As you continue to test, the app adjusts and chooses the highest ratio value in that ovulation cycle as your peak for the cycle.

What Are the Two LH Surge Patterns?

There are two LH surge patterns: Gradual (high for 2-6 days) or Rapid (< 1 day). When you test through your fertile window you can gather information to see your pattern. Knowing the pattern helps you understand your fertility and flow.


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I have low LH levels -- Did I ovulate?

It is possible you still ovulated, even though your highest recorded test levels are lower than average, it doesn’t necessarily mean anything was wrong with your cycle. It is likely for some women to fall into a lower spectrum of LH metabolite levels, and is not a major cause for concern as long as an LH peak is being identified in relation to your other testing days. 

The Premom app automatically selects your high / peak even if it falls below 0.80, as long as it is 0.50 or higher. 

If you’ve caught only low levels this cycle, it also is possible you may have missed your peak. You may have a rapid LH onset pattern that makes it harder to catch your peak. If this is the case in your cycle, the way you utilize ovulation tests makes a huge difference. Consider testing two times a day between 10 am and 8 pm next cycle to ensure you aren’t missing a rapid LH surge.

Other reasons for these low levels could be not testing enough during your cycle or during the day -- or overly diluted urine samples. Consider keeping your water intake consistent while ovulation testing.

How Do I Compare Cycles

Although ovulation test results vary from cycle to cycle, there is an easy way to make a comparison on the app! When you capture an image of your ovulation test using the Premom app, the app automatically assigns a numerical result for your ovulation test and you may compare your current cycle with the previous one.

Premom cycle comparison report sample

Meanwhile, you can also access a physician-designed cycle comparison report in our Premom Premium Membership. The comparison report provides you with additional insights into your unique patterns in fertile windows, moods, and symptoms by comparing your past cycles. By identifying unique patterns, users (especially those with irregular cycles and PCOS) can more accurately identify their fertile windows with ease or identify techniques to improve their testing practices. 

Premom members also receive a cycle comparison report after at least 2 cycles of tracking with a Premom app and can view the results of up to 3 cycles compared to each other at a time! You can use this cycle comparison to look for patterns that occur over the span of multiple cycles

Need to Double-Check Ovulation Numbers?

If you're still unsure if you have ovulated or not, check your temp! We offer an Easy@Home Bluetooth basal thermometer that pairs with the Premom app. Basal body temperature tracking confirms ovulation, while ovulation tests predict it. It is recommended to use both fertility tracking methods throughout the menstrual cycle and see where the coverline falls. Women who use both ovulation tests and body temperature tracking tend to have an easier time pinpointing their ovulation day and getting pregnant faster. 

When in doubt, reach out via the support tab in the Premom app for added assistance.

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Question: Why is my LH level so low?

Answer: It is possible for some users have their maximum LH level lower than 0.5 and ask themselves, "Why am I not Ovulating? The reality is that's just normal for your cycle and you are still ovulating. As long as you see a peak compared to your other testing days and notice a rise in BBT about 24 hours after ovulation based on your LH peak, you likely ovulated. 

On the other hand, it could be you missed your LH peak. If you still aren’t sure if you have ovulated, consider tracking your basal body temperature to confirm your ovulation.

Question: What is the LH level needed for ovulation?

Answer: There is no perfect LH level needed to ovulate, every woman and every cycle is different. Most women experience their LH peak around .08-1.0, however, many women will successfully ovulate with a lower or higher LH level. The important thing is to pay attention to your last, darkest day while ovulation testing and keep testing a few days after LH peak to ensure that it was your true peak day. 

Monitoring your BBT for a rise in temperature after ovulation also helps confirm your observed LH peak resulted in ovulation. 

Question: What should I do if my LH surge is low?

If your LH surge is low and you never see a peak, schedule a time to talk to your doctor to identify the cause of these low levels and the potential absence of ovulation. 

Some women with longer cycles will have low days for a long time before the LH peak occurs, the first half of the cycle can vary greatly in women and may be quite long. Keep testing twice daily until you better understand your cycles to ensure you aren’t missing a rapid rise. 


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17434509/ - Characteristics of the urinary luteinizing hormone surge in young ovulatory women


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