7 Subtle Signs Ovulation is Over and What They Mean
If you're trying to conceive, tracking ovulation and timing sex during your fertile window is an important part of the pregnancy process. While there are many tools available to help identify when you are most fertile, there are also some subtle but common signs that may tell you when ovulation is over.
7 *Subtle* Signs Ovulation Is Over:
1. Changes in cervical mucus
During ovulation, cervical mucus becomes thin, watery and stretchy, resembling raw egg whites. This type of mucus is ideal for sperm to travel through the reproductive system and reach the egg. After ovulation, cervical mucus will begin to thicken and become less stretchy or disappear altogether. This change in cervical mucus can be a helpful indicator that ovulation has ended.
2. An increase in basal body temperature
Basal body temperature (BBT) is the lowest temperature your body reaches during rest. After ovulation, BBT will increase due to the release of progesterone and will remain elevated until the end of the menstrual cycle. By tracking changes in BBT, you can determine if and when ovulation has occurred.
3. Mittelschmerz, aka ovulation pain, has ended
Mittelschmerz (German for “middle pain”) refers to brief ovulation pain, which may be described as cramping or discomfort in the lower abdomen during ovulation. If you have experienced this and it comes to an end, that may be a sign that ovulation is over.
4. Changes in mood
Hormonal changes during ovulation can also impact your mood. During ovulation, estrogen levels are elevated, which can lead to feelings of happiness and well-being. After ovulation, estrogen levels decrease and progesterone levels increase, which can cause mood changes such as irritability and fatigue.
5. Lower and firmer cervical position
During ovulation, the cervix will be high and soft, allowing for sperm to enter the reproductive system more easily. After ovulation, the cervix will lower and become firmer, indicating that ovulation has ended.
6. Decrease in libido
Libido – or sex drive – can also be impacted by ovulation. During ovulation, estrogen levels increase which leads to a higher sex drive. After ovulation, as estrogen levels decrease and progesterone levels increase, libido can decrease.
7. Changes in breast sensitivity
Hormonal changes during ovulation can also impact breast sensitivity. The hormone estrogen can cause the breasts to become more sensitive. After ovulation as estrogen levels decrease and progesterone levels increase, the breasts can become more tender or swollen.
What These Signs Mean
Knowing when ovulation has ended can be helpful in timing intercourse for conception. After ovulation, the fertile window has closed and it's unlikely that conception will occur until the next menstrual cycle.
If you're trying to conceive and have been tracking ovulation, these subtle signs can serve as helpful indicators of when ovulation has ended. However, it's important to keep in mind that these signs are not foolproof and that ovulation can vary from cycle to cycle, as well as their symptoms.
Can you get pregnant after ovulation is over?
Although it is possible to get pregnant after ovulation is over, the chances of pregnancy are very low. Once an egg is released during ovulation, it can survive for up to 24 hours. If sperm are present in the reproductive tract during this time, they may be able to fertilize the egg and lead to pregnancy.
Sperm can live in the reproductive tract for up to 5 days, so having intercourse during the fertile window leading up to ovulation can increase the chances of pregnancy even if ovulation has already occurred. By monitoring your ovulation using methods like ovulation predictor kits and basal body temperature tracking, you can determine when you are most likely going to ovulate and plan intercourse accordingly.
Track your ovulation with Premom Ovulation Calculator
When trying to conceive, it’s important to know when ovulation occurs so that you can have sperm present ahead of time. Premom can make it easy to know when you will ovulate and when ovulation is over.
1. Simply start by logging ovulation tests in the app. The premom app can automatically read your test strips and analyze the results to provide you with an accurate prediction of when you will ovulate.
2. As you continue to log ovulation tests, Premom will identify your LH peak and provide you your predicted ovulation date. Get helpful tips and suggestions on the best time to have intercourse in order to maximize your chances of conceiving.
3. Finally, use the app to track your cycles and monitor your fertility, so you can stay on top of your reproductive health and achieve your pregnancy goals.
Download the free Premom app today and see the difference it can make in your journey towards parenthood.
Let's sum it up!
Tracking ovulation is an important part of trying to conceive. While there are many tools available to help identify when you're most fertile, these subtle signs may help you establish that ovulation has ended. You can track your ovulation signs in the Premom app to help you easily identify when they have ended to help you determine the end of your fertile window.
American Society for Reproductive Medicine. (2015). Optimizing natural fertility: a committee opinion. Retrieved from https://www.asrm.org/globalassets/asrm/asrm-content/news-and-publications/practice-guidelines/for-non-members/optimizing_natural_fertility_2015.pdf
Health. (n.d.). Ovulation symptoms: What happens when you ovulate. Retrieved from https://www.health.com/condition/sexual-health/ovulation-symptoms-what-happens-when-you-ovulate
Fanchin, R., Colau, J.C., & Frydman, R. (2017). Ovarian pain during the menstrual cycle: the importance of the luteal phase. Gynecological Endocrinology, 11(5), 305-308. doi: 10.3109/09513599709152510. PMID: 9384974.