Pregnancy Week 19
Baby Growth at 19 Weeks Pregnant
Welcome to week 19, you’re almost halfway there and many exciting developments are happening! You’re in month 5 of your pregnancy, and your baby is just under 7 inches and a little over .5 pounds; roughly the size of a mango. Your little one is changing day by day and many new and exciting things are happening in the womb.
Vernix caseosa is starting to develop. This waxy, cheese-like substance coats your baby’s skin. This may sound strange but it is actually very helpful for your baby’s development. The vernix caseosa, commonly referred to as vernix, protects the skin from wrinkling and chapping due to the prolonged exposure to amniotic fluid. Don’t worry though, you won’t come in contact with it yourself. Most of the vernix caseosa is shed just before birth to reveal that baby-soft skin we all know and love.
Hair growth is beginning. Your baby will start to have soft, fine hair called lanugo growing on the top of the it’s head, shoulders, back and temples, really anywhere aside from their palms, lips and bottom of their tiny feet. Although most of this hair is gone by the time of birth, for some babies it may still be present after birth. If this is the case, it will likely shed in the first few weeks.
You should have your 20 week ultrasound coming up soon and this is definitely an exciting one. Next week’s ultrasound will give you the ability to see some of the features that may have been missed in the past. The ears, nose and lips on your little one should all be easily identifiable by now. At this point, you can also find out the sex of the baby if you choose. If you are having a girl, her uterus and vagina are starting to form. She will have even developed ovaries and all of the eggs she will have her whole life by this point. It it’s a boy, you’ll be able to spot his developing male parts too at your anatomy scan!
You and Your Baby at Pregnancy 19 Weeks
You are well into the second trimester of pregnancy so hopefully any morning sickness has let up some, and energy levels are getting back to normal. With first trimester symptoms subsiding, you may start to experience some increased hunger. While satisfying your cravings, just be sure to follow your doctor’s recommendations on which foods are healthy for you and baby. The best rule of thumb is to stick to whole, unprocessed foods and eat organic when you can, to limit pesticide exposure.
Are you starting to feel those flutters yet? As brain and muscle development continues, your baby will begin to become more active. These movements are known as quickening and typically feel like little flutters at the very beginning, which you may mistake for gas. Your baby is becoming more active and you may even start to feel some kicks. What a great time to feel more connected to your little one! Although you may start to feel these movements now, if you haven't, there’s no need to worry. Movement and activity will increase as the weeks go by, while they become bigger and stronger, so it’s just a matter of time.
As your baby is getting bigger you will likely notice that you and your bump are growing as well. If you are starting to feel like your regular clothes are getting a little snug, it may be a good time to start looking into purchasing some maternity clothing to help you feel a bit more comfortable during the second half of the pregnancy. Consider maternity pants or a belly band that can extend the life of your pre-pregnancy clothing.
Typical Symptoms at 19 Weeks Pregnant
Aches, pains, pulling or slight stabbing sensations are all typical symptoms at this time. The uterus is growing and ligaments are stretching, so round ligament pain is very common at this point in the pregnancy. You can imagine the round ligaments to be like two ropes on either side of the uterus. The pain can be felt on one side of the body or both, as well as throughout the abdomen, hips and groin.
Have you noticed anything different while brushing your teeth? Increased hormones and blood flow can cause a bloody nose and bleeding gums. It’s a good idea to keep tissues on you or in your purse, just in case you experience these symptoms when you are out and about.
Some additional common symptoms may include:
- Lightheadedness
- Leg cramps
- Hip pain
- Vaginal discharge
- Heartburn
- Swelling
- Shortness of breath
- Higher energy
With your growing belly, newly aches and pains, and baby’s increased movement, you may also start to experience some difficulty sleeping. It is a great time to invest in a pregnancy pillow to help ensure you are getting a restful night’s sleep and keep the weight of your growing belly off of your back.
Pregnancy Week 19 Tips and Advice
Since energy levels are getting back to normal, it is the perfect time to check some things off your to-do list.
Make sure you have your mid-pregnancy ultrasound scheduled. You can also get genetic testing done to screen for any genetic abnormalities if you haven’t already done so.
At your next anatomical ultrasound appointment, the sex of the baby can be detected. This information can help you with planning gender reveal parties, choosing items for your registry and making decisions about the nursery. Also be sure to start thinking about names for your little one.
Planning on taking a trip before the baby arrives? With all the preparation and celebrations that may occur, the remaining weeks will be sure to fly by so it’s time to start planning for that babymoon if you choose to take one. Airplane travel, extended car rides and traveling to higher altitudes do have potential risks the farther along you are in your pregnancy so as always, be sure to check with your doctor before any travel to get a clearer idea of what type of restrictions they recommend for you.
It is certainly an exciting time and the second trimester is rapidly coming to an end so be sure to savor every moment!